
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

iPad cover

So I have been hanging out at my mom's house as has my sewing machine. I took my machine over as I thought I would help her get going on a quilt for my soon-to-be niece (yet unnamed last I heard). Baby no-name should be here in the next 3 weeks! (my machine is - in my opinion- in nicer shape, quieter, and has a 1/4" piecing foot and I thought that would get her to actually start/finish more quickly.)

I encouraged my mom to pick the fantastic Houndstooth quilt pattern from V and Co.. It is so cute! She also saw a cute "bohemian" poppy appliqué / 3-d thing on another site and thought of that for the back. Pics to follow.

In the mean time, I squeezed in a bit of sewing while my mom was napping between bits of sewing. One of my husband's co-workers asked for an IPad cover - she has an iPad2 and one of those fancy smart covers, but she wanted a little case so she could throw it in her bag with more confidence. She wanted it back and white with a surprise of color on the inside. I threw something together out of scraps to see if the idea I had in my mind matched hers. I thought it turned out pretty cute!

She like the shape and idea, but didn't want the metal clasp. Additionally, I knew she had wanted black and white and not white and black fabric, but this was what I had on hand. She liked it but was also thinking heavier weight fabric.

I got this fabric.... From JoAnn's (I know some of you might not like their fabric, but for sturdy home dec fabric they have a big selection).

And this fabric.... For the surprise color of the lining. I got it at a cute local quilt shop - and I of course forgot to write down what the fabric was (or even what company- and because I got a smaller cut, no printing on the selvege that I got).

Used Velcro as closure (note to self, just use one long strip of Velcro next time instead of the cute dot stuff - it was too hard to line up just right.)

So I ended up having enough fabric to make two. The extras are ip on my Etsy site - one is the black/white/yellow one and the other is the white/black/red with the metal clasp closure.

Yea for getting some sewing done, it's been great!

Edit: both covers have been added to my Etsy site
-Sew Sane Jane
(Posted using BlogPress from my iPad)

1 comment:

  1. Very cute. Love the pop of color on the inside.
