
Friday, April 20, 2012

'Final'ly Friday Linky & Lots of Littles

IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY!!  (Insert Happy Dance Here!) and Lots of Littles (meaning little updates)
(Linky (and instructions) at bottom of this post to link-up progress made this week.)

Inspiration Stacks update
For me, I have mostly had to work this week.  I did work a bit more trying to fight with my inspiration and stacks project.  I mostly have scrapped the idea of making it into a mini quilt (the pieces were too big for a mini, mini quilt, and I didn't have enough of all the fabric to make a decent size mini quilt).  Instead, I think I might turn it into the center of what will be a new ironing board cover.

So you might be able to tell a bit from the picture, my current ironing board cover is dull and disgusting!  I had a VERY cute one when I first purchased the item - but my iron has a tendency to spit brown water, and the old one quickly got gross.  I went to a few stores, and to buy a cute new cover costs almost the same as buying a new ironing board!!  So I thought I would just make one.  That was about 2 years ago.

In the mean time, I got a boring, ugly one from Wal-Mart (I rationalized that I shouldn't pay too much money for it, but I could use it as a pattern/template when the time came.  I still have the same one  - only now covered with ugly brown water spots of its own.  This will perhaps be the very inspiration I need to actually get to making a cover that I am not so ashamed of that I hide it in pictures!

I also have an update on the
that I am hosting.  
So one of the drawbacks to hosting is that I have to be the heavy.  I have a participant that I knew was going to be up to a week late with her fabrics.  At the time that I let her sign up anyway, I had 12 of 28 people, and figured that even if she sent it a week late, I would still be sorting and it wouldn't hold me up at all.  Now, two weeks late, I am having to send a sad e-mail that says, now or never.  That makes me feel awful because life happens and I know she really wants to participate!  I also know that I have others waiting patiently for their fantastic charms.  They are ready so send....almost.  I have all the colors sorted (that's my OCD kicking in that they have to be in color order) and all I will need is about an hour or so to do the final collating line.  

and as soon as I get the last set of fabrics (either from the participant or an alternate) - they are off! Whoo Hooo!

I also figured that I would give you a heads-up to a great little friendly competition going on over at Sew Happy Geek.  Jenna created a "Play Mini Quilt Competition."  You choose a card (from a deck of playing cards) and create a mini quilt using that card as your inspiration.  She has found LOTS of fantastic sponsors to give fabulous prizes for winners of various categories.  I'm excited to get designing and see what everyone else comes up with.   Check it out and think about joining!

SewHappyGeek Play Button

LINK US UP TO YOUR 'Final'ly Friday updates:
Here are the Linky Party rules (fairly standard from my experience)
  1. Link up a Recent work you have blogged about (in the last week or two)
  2. Link up to (2) recent projects
  3. Your projects should be crafty in nature (a DIY of some sort)
  4. Somewhere in your original post you should link to SewSaneJane 
    1. you could either grab the button below (on in right column) and insert directly into your post, or insert a text hyperlink (such as: I am linking up here to 'Final'ly Friday w/SewSaneJane or I am linking up here with [insert code from below grab button here in your HTML view])
  5. Visit at least (2) other link-ups at some point in the week - try to formulate a relevant comment on at least (1) of those link-ups (paying it forward of sorts - if you view and comment, others will do the same of your work)
**I will have the link party open all day on Friday and go into next week for you to link-up.  Even after the linky party closes, you can still see link-ups and visit their projects.  Hope you enjoy linky parties as much as I do!  With that in mind, the grab button is off in the right column if you are interested (feel free to add to your blog and include in your posts as you see fit).  Link away (find link widget just below my signature pic)!!

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