
Thursday, April 5, 2012

'Final'ly Friday Linky Party Kick-off

So I have been trying to participate in a couple of Linky parties a week.  These seems to help me get my work out there and get a bit of additional feedback.  It ALSO allows me to get to see work and blogs that I otherwise might not find my way to.  I cannot tell you the number of items I have pinned (on the addicting Pinterest) and/or the number of new blogs that I have added to my reader.  For a very logical reason, the ones that I have found myself participating in have been Monday Linky parties.  I thought - what about mid to end of work production (when I have any).  I decided I would try to start a Friday Linky Party.

The 'Final'ly Friday Linky Party name came to me as I sometimes post only partially completed works from the weekend and wrap up my projects during the week.  So.... 'Final' seemed like an apt play on letters (not really play on words as it is only part of the word - yes, I AM that nerdy!!)

By all means - still participate in your Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday link parties, this just gives us another opportunity to post our work throughout the week.  Here will be the Linky Party rules (fairly standard from my experience)
  1. Link up a Recent work you have blogged about (in the last week or two)
  2. Link up to (2) recent projects
  3. Your projects should be crafty in nature (a DIY of some sort)
  4. Somewhere in your original post you should link to SewSaneJane 
    1. you could either grab the button below (on in right column) and insert directly into your post, or insert a text hyperlink (such as: I am linking up here to 'Final'ly Friday w/SewSaneJane or I am linking up here with [insert code from below grab button here in your HTML view])
  5. Visit at least (2) other link-ups at some point in the week - try to formulate a relevant comment on at least (1) of those link-ups (paying it forward of sorts - if you view and comment, others will do the same of your work)
**I will have the link party open all day on Friday's for you to link-up.  Even after the linky party closes, you can still see link-ups and visit their projects.  Hope you enjoy linky parties as much as I do!  With that in mind, Here is the grab button (feel free to add to your blog and include in your posts as you see fit) and linky will be opening starting Friday 12:01am-11:59pm.  Link away (find link widget just below my signature pic)!!
’Final’ly Friday Linky Party with SewSaneJane

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky,
    I’ve nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Please find details at
    All you need to do is:
    1. Link back to my blog
    2. Write seven things about yourself which you think may interest your readers
    3. Nominate and link to other blogs which you like
    I’m looking forward to your links already :-)
    Avis x
