
Friday, April 27, 2012

RO-GB sign-ups and 'Final'ly Friday Linky

'Final'ly Friday Linky at the bottom - don't forget to post about your recent fabulousness!

RO-GB double charm (brick) swap:
So....I am organizing a double-charm(5"x10"), (3) yard, split-complimentary color swap - using red-orange, green, and blue color pallet.  Each participant will purchase (1) yard each of (3) fabrics [(1) red-orange, (1) green, and (1) blue].

Sew Sane Jane
I posted all the gritty details in my last post HERE.  Please refer to that post if this is the first you are hearing about the swap.  For those that know and agree to the details, here is a bit more an the colors I have chosen.  Again, I want to be sure to give credit to Jenni of In Color Order. She has been an amazing resource of color knowledge and expertise!!  She wrote a blog series on "The Art of Choosing [Colors]."  I have learned a lot about color reading her blog - including about split-complimentary colors.  I love several of the color combos, but am leaning towards the red-orange, green, blue color combo.  Below is the color wheel that Jenni made to depit this combo of colors:
Red-orange, Green, Blue
Thank you to Jenni of
for creating the fabulous color wheel for our viewing pleasure
We still have about 10 spots available.  If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me. To sign up, Please complete the sign-up form HERE

Okay, Color talk.  In my details of the swap, I wrote that "the fabric can have flecks of other colors, but should still 'read' the specific color."  This is somewhat hard to explain without pictures.  What I mean essentially is that I should be able to glance at a fabric and say, "that's a X color fabric."  For instance, if I am looking for green fabrics, I want to find something that is primarily green.  If it has too many or too predominate other colors in it, I don't focus on the green.

I went to Hawthorne Threads (a great online fabric site where you can search for fabrics by a color grid.) and pulled a few fabrics for an example.  You can click on each fabric for information about print and to go to the Hawthorne site for purchasing.  While these are a wide variety of greens - they all read green.

 While these have green in them, the other colors/patterns seem to pull the eye away from the green.  Thus, while all great fabrics, I would not recommend them when searching for a fabric that "reads" green.

Reminder: Join the Fabric Swap Finder Flickr Group to hear about upcoming swaps, give input into the next swaps, post about and solicit members for your next swap, etc.


  1. Yay swaps! A couple of the ones I was in are winding up, so this is definitely perfect timing! :)

  2. I'm moving soon, and I don't think I'll have the time (or address) to participate!

  3. Count me in! I just filled out your form too.
